Our Story

Throughout 39 years of full-time international ministry we've developed innovative teams to overcome challenges at the leading edge of Christian missions. During my years with Mission Aviation Fellowship we implemented business as missions, linked missionaries in the most remote locations with email, and launched aviation services in the 10/40 Window. During my years with Wycliffe Associates we mobilized thousands of volunteers to fill critical positions internationally, developed dozens of free and open resources for churches worldwide, innovated ways to accelerate Bible translation while increasing quality and reducing cost, and pioneered Bible translation methods for marginalized blind/deaf communities.

Albert Einstein famously said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." The challenges in Christian missions today are very different than they were 50, 10, or even 5 years ago. The global Church is very different today than yesterday. 

Our sense is that it is time for another paradigm shift in Christian missions. That shift starts with updating our view of the Church. Today there are more than twice as many Christians in the global South and East than in the North and West. Europe and North America are increasingly post-Christian. The convergence of these two trends creates both challenges and opportunities. Challenges undermine the ongoing effectiveness of traditional Western missionary models. At the same time opportunities are multiplying to serve and support local churches' influence and impact in their communities. The next paradigm in missions is localizing all Christian ministry resources under the authority and stewardship of local churches.

Some will say, "It is too soon. The local church leaders are not ready. There are not enough Christians yet." We respectfully disagree, and are increasing our service and support for Christian churches worldwide as they reach their communities for Christ.

You are invited and welcome in this movement.