
Would you like to learn more about how God has transformed Bible translation for minority languages around the world in recent years?  Order a free copy of our books today.


Living Translation

My Life

Join Bruce on the youth trip that changed thh course of his life...follow him into the jungles of Suriname, South part of a daring meeting with Taliban leaders in the war camps of Afghanistan...and stand with this heartbroken father at his daughter's hospital bedside.

As Bruce candidly shares lessons from nearly three decades of international ministry, you will learn from his mistakes and be inspired by his passion.  You will shed a few tears as you glimpse into his incredible love story with his wife, daughters, and God's Word.

Living Translation

Their Stories

"I met an elderly man who had just translated Isaiah 55.  Through an interpreter I asked if he would be willing to read his translation in Khawng Tu for devotions the next morning.  He agreed.

The next morning I invited him up front to read Isaiah 55:8-11 to the group.  He held a single sheet of paper, inked and edited, limp from the humidity and sweat of his labor.  He trembled as he prepared to speak.  It was silent for few moments as he gathered his courage.  I stopped breathing, and welled up with tears.  The paper shood so hard I don't know how he could read it.  He squinted.  The he spoke.  In a quite voice, he publicly read Isaiah 55:8-11 in Khawng Tu for the first time in history."

Living Translation

Peace Children - The Sawi Story

Cannibals Are Now Bible Translators!

"You will do the translation," Yanti said.  The Sawi started at her, speechless, unsure that they understood what she was saying.

The Sawi leaders told Yanti, "We have five dialects and we need the Bible in all of them.  Our New Testament is now so olde it also needs revision.  We don't speak that way anymore.  Can we translate the whole Bible in all five of our dialects?"

Yanti responded, "We will teach you how to do Bible translation, and you can do all of them.  When do you want to begin?"

Their response: "Immediately!"

God's Word In Its Fullness

A young lady from the team that had just finished translating Mark said, "What's next? I want to do more!" The event leaders said, "How about 1 Timothy? Get started with that and see how far your team can get." "Thank you!" She said and off she went with her team to start work on 1 Timothy. By the end of the day, she was back requesting more. Her team ended up completing both of Paul's letters to Timothy in just two days. I left this workshop with a completely different view of Bible translation. Not only did I see that ordinary people from the local church could do Bible translation, I saw how their first-hand exposure to God's Word in their language instantly impacted their lives.